Impressions and Presentations: Networking Event "Discover new opportunities for the growing PV market in Brazil – Storage and Green Hydrogen"

Have a look back at the networking event "Discover new opportunities for the growing PV market in Brazil - Storage and Green Hydrogen" at The smarter E Europe 2022.

Download the presentations:

- Gioia Müller-Russo, Solar Promotion International GmbH

- Dr. Rodrigo Lopes Sauaia, ABSOLAR

- Markus Vlasits, NewCharge Energy

- Loana von Gaevernitz Lima, AHK Rio de Janeiro

Further Content
Dr. Marcelo Almeida, University of Sao Paulo



Marcelo P. Almeida holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Pará (2009) and a MSc. degree (2012) and a Dr. degree (2017) in Energy from the University of São Paulo. He is a Professor at the Institute of Energy and Environment of the University of São Paulo, with experience in Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energies. He is an Associate Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Solar Energy (RBENS) in the area of Economics and Public Policy, a collaborator of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) and a member of the Board of the Brazilian Solar Energy Association (ABENS).

Ana Carla Petti, Comerc Energia

Director of Regulatory Affairs


Ana Carla Petti has more than 20 years of experience in Regulatory, Strategic Operations Management, Risk Management and Middle-Office, working in executive positions in the energy sector at companies such as Braskem and Odebrecht Energia. She has been an executive at the Comerc Energia Group for more than seven years and currently serves as the group's director of regulatory and institutional affairs. She is a chemical engineer and lawyer, with a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering, with a postgraduate degree in Financial Products and Risk Management and an MBA in Executive Management.

Laís Venâncio Pimentel, Embrastec

Product Engineering Analyst


Born in Lençóis Paulista - São Paulo, on December 23, 1996, I graduated as an Electrical Engineer from Faculdade Anhanguera in 2024, in Ribeirão Preto - SP. I've been part of Embrastec since 2018, and currently hold the position of Product Engineering Analyst.

Priscila Alves dos Santos, FIT Instituto de Tecnologia

Researcher & Electrical Engineer


Priscila Santos is a researcher in the energy field at Instituto Fit. She is responsible for energy startups and applied AI and IoT training. She has in-depth knowledge of the hybrid generation industry for rural and industrial areas. Mentor of startups in the energy, automotive, agricultural and fintech segments.

Marcos Rogerio Chaves Silva, TECPRO Soluções em energia



Marcos Rogério Chaves da Silva is an Electrical Engineer (UMC), with an MBA in Business Management and a Specialization in Project Management, both from FGV-SP. For four decades he has been working on LV and MV power protection systems, and has experience in developing distributed power generation projects for terrestrial and embedded applications, LV and MV protection and selectivity studies and protection against the effects of incident energy emitted by arc faults. He is currently Director of TECPRO Soluções em Energia. He actively participates in various committees of CB-03 at COBEI - Comite Brasileiro de Eletricidade. He is secretary of the NBR 14039 standard revision committee, secretary of the NBR 16384 revision committee and rapporteur of the WG responsible for the future Incident Energy Management standard. At CB-24 ABNT, he is the Coordinator of the Committee responsible for developing the future technical standard 'Fire safety in photovoltaic installations'. He is Brazil's representative on IEC committees PC128 and TC99.

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